@misc{BredekampNesselrathSchreiteretal.2010, author = {Horst Bredekamp and Arnold Nesselrath and Charlotte Schreiter and Matthias Frotscher and Gregor D{\"o}hner and Nadja R{\"u}diger and Christine Haß-Schreiter and Sebastian Prignitz and Bettina Welzin and Katharina Meinecke and Claudia Kabitschke and Sandra K{\"o}nig and Marcus Becker and Jana Wierik}, title = {Pegasus - Berliner Beitr{\"a}ge zum Nachleben der Antike ; 5}, isbn = {1436-3461}, institution = {Akademienvorhaben Census of Antique Works of Art and Architecture Known in the Renaissance}, series = {Pegasus}, number = {5}, type = {periodicalpart}, year = {2010}, }